Sunday, September 21, 2008

Trading in my flip-flops for knee-high, fur-lined boots

Our travels this summer have taken us from the mountains of Panama, to the tourist-filled streets of Chicago, to the quiet farmland of southern New Jersey.

While I expounded a lot about our adventures in Panama, mostly because I had never been to a third-world country, or out of the country at all for that matter, I'll just give you a quick re-cap on Chicago.

If you've never been, I totally recommend it. Chicago is a fantastic city, and this comes from a girl who really isn't a city person. I've been to New York several times and to L.A. and San Francisco, but Chicago just blows me away!

This was our second time traveling there in three years. Usually, the novelty of a new place will wear off on the second visit, but I have to say I was just as in love with the city this time as I was when we first saw it in 2005. Maybe more so.

In fact, I raved about it so much my husband was worried he might find our bags packed, the cats in a carrier, and a For Sale sign in the front yard soon after we got back to Florida. Of course, each visit to Chicago thus far has been in August when the sun is shining, the temperature is 85 degrees, and the lake and the river look equally inviting.

But as everyone keeps reminding me, the winters there would kill me. I'm aware of this, but I try not to think about those long winter months of negative degree temps. I mean, technically, I could hole up inside our home there, drink hot cocoa, and write my stories on my laptop all while watching the blustery winds and snow from my comfortable office chair.

Then I think how painful it would be to go to the grocery store, because of course I would need food. And how I'd have to invest in winter clothes which I haven't had to buy for eight years now.

Oh well, I suppose I'll just have to be content with visiting - in the summer of course.

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