Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Move over Panama City, get a load of crazy and crowded David

We thought we wanted to spend a night in David (pronounced Da-veed), the third largest city in Panama, just 30 minutes from our final destination of Boquete. I had even gone so far as to email Hotel Alcala, a hotel located near the town square, about room reservations for Monday night.
Little did we know that David was Little China on Panamanian steriods.
The outskirts of the city looked relatively harmless with large department stores, some nice homes, and even a fairly large baseball field. As we got closer to the action, however, the city streets turned into pure mayhem.
Maybe it's because we arrived around early afternoon and that's when this agricultural town is hopping, but it was absolute craziness!
We drove in off a side street hoping to get closer to the town square, but the traffic was bumper to bumper and people on foot were everywhere. There are few, if any, traffic lights in town so we had to contend with stop signs and long streams of traffic. Basically, it was every person for themself as you desperately tried to snake through the traffic.
Believe it or not, I almost thought it was worse than Panama City.
We never did locate Hotel Alcala and I finally just said let's head on to Boquete. My husband needed no convincing and, without running anyone over or slamming into anyone's bumper, we escaped the madness and fled to the peacefulness of the hills.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So now you know why we all "love" David!

Can't wait to hear about Boquete!