Monday, August 11, 2008

No Bucket List for me ... at least not yet

I’m going to stray from my Panama stories for today to share a milestone in my life that happened yesterday—my 35th birthday.
Among other things, this blog is about my life’s journeys and adventures, and turning 35 got me thinking about what I’ve accomplished and, more importantly, what I hope to accomplish.
I know some people actually make lists of what they want to do by the time they are 40 or 50 or whatever. Hence the famous “Bucket List.” But I’m not really a list kind of person.
My lists are more about what I need to accomplish on a daily basis like don’t forget to pay the credit card bill, or do I have something to take for lunch today, or stop by the grocery store and get hamburger rolls so we can actually eat the Manwich I had planned for tonight. I suppose I’m not one to look too far ahead.
At one point in my life I thought, maybe I want to write a novel by the time I’m 40. But I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that a book does not live in me. Or at least a character that I like hasn’t presented himself or herself yet.
Like anybody else I have things that I’d like to do pop into my head, like see the Grand Canyon in person, or have a permanently flat stomach, or sit in the front row of a Bon Jovi concert. But these certainly aren’t things I have to do before I kick the bucket.
So 35 came and went yesterday and my husband did an amazing job of surprising me with a wonderful mini-staycation, and my life list still consists of mundane things like can I stretch my half-tank of gas till the weekend?
What about you? Do you have a life list?

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hi there, old friend! (And I mean that in the way of long-term friend -- not OLD, because 35 is in no way OLD -- take it from someone who is already there and well on her way to 36!) Anyhow, I've been keeping up with your blog for a month or so now and just haven't taken the time to post. Very interesting to follow your life -- sounds like one crazy trip to Panama! And I honestly do have a snail mail card for you at home; I just haven't sent it yet. So it'll arrive in your mailbox one of these days -- no promises as to exactly when, though! Very funny in reading this post of yours, as it sounds just like me! Not big on long-term lists myself; seems they put too much pressure on a person, you know? But I've got a market list in my wallet right now. Sometimes I think it's best to do a bit of flying by the seat of your pants, and if a good idea makes its way into your head to just grab onto it and go. Lists make me think more of things I MUST do, and the fun times in life usually aren't associated with the word "must." I'll stay in touch! Happy Belated Birthday!! Your old LHU pal -- Jen