Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Just Get Over it & Participate Already!

Welcome to my adventures in networking. As your typical introverted freelance writer (yes, sad but true, I am generalizing) who prefers to remain safely behind my computer screen, socializing on any level is a struggle!

I have this insatiable need to learn. Unfortunately what that does is keep me safely tucked away behind my computer or in the pages of a book rather than out in the real world getting to know people. To combine my appetite for knowledge and also continue my networking quest, I attended Coffee & Social Media, an informal group that meets the second Tuesday of every month at Bad Ass Coffee here in Naples.

The get-together was great --- about 20 people sharing thoughts and issues and questions surrounding their involvement with social media. The problem: I continue to be a spectator rather than actually participate in the discussion. I know what my hang-up is. I sit there thinking any comment or question I bring up will sound stupid or immature among this group of professionals, even though I am technically a professional myself.

My thought is, the more I attend the more comfortable I'll feel with the group and the more apt I will be to actively participate rather than just listen.

Then I thought participating in a discussion via the computer would be easier. Wrong! Yesterday afternoon I joined a conversation about social media for B2B happening on Twitter. The questions from the moderator were thought-provoking and the comments from those online were excellent, but again I felt insecure. I did make a comment and asked a question, but that did nothing to ease my fears of being perceived as stupid or immature.

So where does that leave me? Grappling with my own ridiculous insecurities. The good news: I'm not giving up. I mean, sooner or later I have to get over it, right?

1 comment:

Everything Coastal said...

Hi - have been following you on twitter, and just discovered your blog. Thanks for posting the link, so interesting that so many people are going through life transitions right now.... including me! Keep up the good thoughts and the great writing!
