Monday, June 23, 2008

I'm Itchy

Some people crave change. I am one of those people.

My husband, not so much. He is content putting down roots and letting them grow so deep that when it comes time to move, it almost takes a bulldozer to budge them.

But I'm not giving him enough credit. I think he may have caught some of my itchiness, too. We talk more and more about leaving Naples and enjoying a not-so-demanding life elsewhere, hence the trip to Panama to see if it may be just that place.

My itchiness, though, has grown to "Hulk-like" proportions. I am pretty much bored with everything. My desk job is far from challenging right now and our house is, well, still the same as it always has been.

I stay at my job because it's nice to have a regular paycheck coming in no matter how meager it may be. We stay in the house because the market conditions continue to make this a great time to buy but not to sell.

I love change because it is scary and fun and inspiring! The good news is that my freelance writing work is keeping me creatively challenged.

Maybe we'll fall in love with Panama as so many other Americans have. Or maybe we'll come back and think of it as a nice place to visit but not to live. If it turns out to be the latter, well then, it is back to the "Where's a cool place to live" stage.

Maybe we'll buy a world map and throw darts at it. Doesn't that work in the movies?

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